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Let’s find out your skin type!

Nature of your Skin


The outer layer of the human body is called as Skin. You all know that so we won’t waste any more time in defining the term “skin“. But, we are going to discuss the different type of skin. Well, from outside it might seem same, but texture and type of skin in each individual are different. We are not talking about the color of skin or the change in skin texture due to old age.
We are talking about something very different and our criteria to discuss skin type is totally scientific and authentic.

The human skin can be normally categorized into four groups, normal skin, dry skin, oily skin and sensitive skin. These four types of skin are decided on three factors mainly:

  • Firstly, the presence of water content in the skin cells which defines the elasticity of the skin.
  • Secondly, availability of oily particles in the skin.
  • Lastly, the factor of sensitivity.

Types of Skin/Skin Type?

So, if you want to get acquiescent with your type of skin. Then, let’s study the traits of all the different types of skin described by Dr. Vishal Chugh of Radiant Skin Clinic, Jaipur.

#Normal Skin

Well, this type of skin is categorized as the ideal skin type. As this skin type is neither too oily nor too dry. The pores of normal skin type person are visible or in some cases highly open. So, no dirt particles and dry substances can be found on this type of skin. The person of normal skin type should thank God for this fine skin type as normal skin always remains glowing. So, if you are the owner of the normal type of skin, then you are one lucky fella.

#Dry Skin

Under this type of skin, you will get itchy, cracking and skin peels easily. The common traits of this type of skin are like, Almost invisible pores, Dull, rough complexion, Red patches, Your skin is less elastic and finely visible lines. This type of skin easily stores and took a long time to heel. Moreover, if you expose your skin to more sunlight, indoor heating or hot bath, then this will worsen already dry skin situation.
Winters are like the worse season for this type of skin persons. So, if you have dry type of skin, then keep moisturizer near you and stay away from heat as much as possible.

#Oily Skin

If you feel stickiness around your nose, forehead and chin skin after few minutes, then you have oily skin. In this type of skin, you get Enlarged pores, Dull or shiny, thick complexion and Blackheads, pimples, or other blemishes. This sometimes happens due to the genetic problem or due to seasonal change. Normally, summers are the worst season for oily type of skin person. Its only solution is to regularly wash face and use the cleanser for it.

#Senstivie Skin

This skin type is highly reactive and easily get affected by any trigger. So, the best possible advice for this skin type person is to stay away from your trigger. Because it can cause redness, itchiness, irritation on the skin. That’s why sensitive skin folks should take care their skin very carefully.

#Combination Skin

This type of skin is a cocktail of normal, dry and oily skin. Many people have this skin type.  It may need slightly different care in different areas. This skin type shows traits of different skin types on the different body part. So, combination type of skin must be treated bit professionally.


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