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Selective Information On Hair Transplant Treatment

Remedy of your Baldness Struggles

Well, human hairs are the part of their fine appearance and without them whole demeanor of their personality changes. Just imagine yourself without hairs and trust me you won’t recognize yourself. But, the problem of baldness is very prominent in male population mainly. Where they losses hair from the crown of their head. There have been numerous treatments developed to overcome this problem. And, one of the medically recommended methods is hair transplant

hair transplantBut, due to lack of awareness about the hair transplant treatment among the people, they have confused reaction towards it. People normally, don’t know when, why and how to undertake this treatment. So, we consult our expert Dr. Vishal Chugh of Radiant Skin Clinic with few questions related to hair transplant.  And, he disclosed numerous facts which you can read ahead.

What is a Hair Transplant?

The baldness can be seen in men under the particular baldness pattern. In which they start to lose hair from the top of their head and from the crown of the head. But, the hairs around their backside and on the ears remain intact on the place. Some men lose hair only from the vertex, well every man loses hair differently. But, in all one thing remains same that hair on the back of the head always remains intact.

These hair are spared the action of dihydrotestosterone (hair follicle killer) as they are genetically programmed to resist the effect of it. And, this fact has proven miracle for the doctors. As in hair transplant surgery, they simply transplant these hairs to the bald area and these hairs survive in the new area and even grow permanently. So, this transplant is very simple and can permanently cure your baldness.

hair transplant

Brief Detail’s of Hair Transplant Surgery

Well, if you want to briefly understand the whole procedure of hair transfer, then we have gathered the information in layman language for you.

  • First of all required hair are marked after studying the aesthetic and facial features of a person.
  • Then a strip of hair is collected from the backside area of head and that part is then properly stitched.
  • From the harvested hair strip, micrografts and mini grafts hairs are separated.
  • Micrografts are used to design the front line of the head. This area is about 1.5 cm wide containing the thin layer of hair. Here in this zone single and 2 hair grafts are delicately introduced into micro slits using magnification.
  • Next, mini grafts are add to the leftover bald area to provide the thick density of hair. This hair normally grows up to 3-4 inches. They are added very carefully. So, that further hair growth won’t get affected.

Life of a Hair Transplant Treatment

Well, this is a permanent treatment in which your hair grows in 12-16 weeks. But, if anyone wants to increase the hair density, then they can go under procedure after 6 months again.

So, if you are above 25 years and has backside hair intact, then you should start thinking about hair transplant surgery. But, before further making any plans first consult an experienced dermatologist.

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