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Best Nourishing Winter Skincare Tips

It’s time to protect your Skin from winters

Well, cold shivering breeze has almost covered the northern part of India. As officially winter season has come and has splattered the hue of cold. Which means heaters and hot showers are your best friend nowadays. But, unfortunately, they lead to the dry, flaking, cracked and itchy skin. In short, the difference between the outer temperature and inner heated temperature causes the great problem to our poor skincare.
The skin loses natural moisture and hydration in winters. That’s why it is very important to pay special attention towards the skin in winters. Especially, the skin of the palms, soles and face area. So, to help out you guys Dr. Vishal Chugh, a well-renowned dermatologist of Radiant Skin Clinic has figured out special winter skincare tips. These winter skincare tips are designed after full research and experience of the dermatologist.

Winter Skincare Tips for all Skin types

Tips to Protect skin in winters


Drinking daily two liters of water can protect your skin from harmful effects of winter air. You must be wondering what kind of winter skin care tip is this, but guys this is a very beneficial tip. As 65% of skin in made-up of water which keeps the skin elastic. Water helps in the production of collagen which further helps in skin repair. So, the major winter skin care tip is to drink lots of water as it will tone down cracking of skin by keeping the hydration level at bay.

#Don’t use wipes

Well, as we know make-up is the best mate of ladies, especially in winters as this season has lots weddings lined up. So, you are bound to apply makeup on your skin. But, the ladies winter skin care tip here is that don’t use wipes to remove your makeup. As wipes are made-up of chemical that even more dry your skin. So, wash out your makeup with plain tap water.


You will get missed reaction to this winter skin care tip. As few experts favor exfoliating of skin and some totally oppose. According to Dr. Vishal Chugh exfoliating of skin can glow your skin only if you use it twice a week. If you use exfoliating more then twice a week or use hard beads for this, then it will show negative impacts.

skincare tips

#Cleansing & Toning

It would be great to take the extra step this winter to nourish your skin. In this winter skincare tip, you can use cleanser to hydrate your skin. The cleansing has numerous benefits such as, removes dirt, excess oil, dead skin and replace it with moisturizers, serums, and masks. Toning is for the person who wants to go little more ahead, but if you don’t want to tone your skin, then skip that part. If your skin is very dry then alcohol toning can be helpful. But, before trying cleansing and toning keep your skin type in mind.

#Moisturizing & Serum

Winter skincare tip to grace your skin is to regularly apply moisturizer on your skin. Before picking up your winter moisturizer keep your skin type into consideration. Especially, the people with oily skin, they can use the serum instead of moisturizer. The serum is like a more concentrated moisturizer that’s lightweight and perfect for oily skin.
So, folks follow our expert’s winter skincare tips and enjoy this winter time with glowing and radiating skin.


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