What is Hair?
Hair could be described as dead cell of living beings and consists of a tough protein called keratin. The hairs are firmly held into the skin by hair follicles. Hair growth varies from person to person. The average rate of hair growth for a person is around one-half inch per month. The color of the hair also varies person to person due to pigment cells which produces melanin in the hair follicle. The color of the hair changes to grey due to ageing process and due to this the pigment cells die.
Hair Loss Problem
Hair loss is the common problem occurring in men and women equally today due to environmental factors and genetically concerned issues arose. Hair loss is also known as baldness. It is referred to loss of hair from part of head or body. The hair loss varies from person to person. The person loses hairs in patches usually in circular ones and other symptoms which lead to hair loss are dandruff, scarring and skin lesions.
What are the causes of hair loss?
Pattern hair loss
The hair loss pattern in males is believed to be a combination of male hormone dihydrotestosterone and genetics. Although there is no clarity about the hair loss pattern in females.
There are many infections such as Fungal infections (such as tinea capitis), Dissecting cellulitis, Secondary syphilis, Folliculitis and Demodex folliculorum. Demodex folliculorum is not very commonly present on each and every hair scalp but it is more likely to be found on oily scalp.
Other medical conditions such as blood pressures, diabetes, cholesterol and heart disease may also contribute to the temporary or permanent hair loss. Apart from diseases, any medicine such as contraceptive pill, steroids, hormone replacement therapy and acne medicines, which affect the hormones of body could also be considered as very strong reason for hair loss.
Hair loss often follows childbirth without causing baldness. In this situation, the hair is actually thicker during pregnancy due to increased circulating oestrogens. After the baby is born, the oestrogen levels fall back to normal prepregnancy levels, and the additional hair foliage drops out.
What is hair transplantation?
Hair transplantation is a kind of surgery that is used to move hair follicles from the donor site to balding part. It is generally used to give treatment for male pattern baldness. Hair transplantation is also useful in the restoration of eyelashes, beard hair, eyebrows, chest hair, pubic hair and to give the scars a hairy look which might have caused by accidents or surgery such as face-lifts.
Why Hair transplantation is recommended in Jaipur – the Pink City?
Jaipur is the prime hub for hair restoration because of the availability of world’s best doctors and surgeons in the city. Along with best doctors, the next concern arises in a person’s mind is the cost for getting the best doctors treatment. Well, the foreigners come to this place due to budgeted cost for the treatment. This budgeted cost would suit the pocket of any person. Due to modest cost along with best doctors or surgeons team, the Jaipur city is becoming the best-selected options all over the world for the hair treatment process.

Types of Hair Transplantation
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction):
This is more suitable for small requirement of graft insertion (around 800-1200) and is effective in tight scalps. In this process only the person’s follicular units are taken out and then inserted in the thinned out areas. This process is scar free but it takes some time for scar removal. It heals quickly and it is less painful.
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation):
This process is little bit painful compared to earlier one as here a strip of skin with hair is removed from the back & sides of the scalp. Follicles are separated from the strip carefully. Once that is done, the grafts are inserted into the pre-cut mini and micro-slits at the recipient area of the scalp. This process involves the insertion of large number of grafts in single session.
Benefits of Hair Transplantation
It is one of the best hair restoration procedure in which the person’s own hairs are only transplanted taken out from the back of the scalp. Hair transplantation process is completely natural and safe. No special chemicals or medicines are used in this process that might damage your hair. The biggest benefit of the transplantation process is that the person gains his/her confidence back and the transplanted hair is very easy to handle that is it is hassle free. A person would have a younger appearance and get the attitude of positivity and also could open up in social society. The transplanted hair is similar to normal hair and can be cut, shaved or dyed.
Side effects of Hair transplantation
1. Hemorrhage and Infections:
Hemorrhage is very common type of side effect resulting from the grafting method. It is an immediate side effect that could be best noticed during or just after the procedure. It can be avoided if the patient consults an experienced cosmetic surgeon of repute.
2. Temporary Thinning of Hair:
Shock loss or shedding is another term used in the explanation of hair loss and that is explained as temporary thinning of hair loss. This type of side effect usually occurs due to poor form of hair transplantation and also the improper type pf grafting could lead to shedding, if done by inexperienced surgeon.
3. Other Side effects:
The other side effects include the itching, cysts, scarring, swelling, pain and numbness, bleeding etc.
This problem is very common among people due to stressful lifestyle and environmental factors. There are many big celebrities who have undergone the hair transplantation treatment. Celebrities such as Salman Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar, Sanjay Dutt, Kapil Sharma, Aditya Pancholi, Govinda, the dashing Ranbir Kapoor and many more. So the hair transplantation is the biggest adopted strategy by all the people who face the hair loss problem.