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5 Common Hair Fall Myths & Tips

Hair Fall Alert! Hair Fall Alert!

Well, friends, if you see lose strands of hair on your pillow, your towel and bundle of hair after hair wash. Then, my friend, this is a hair fall alert warning for you, and you will be stupid if you ignore this. So, get alert and here are 5 Common Hair Fall Myths & Tips to start taking care of your precious hairs more. As the problem of hair fall can be nowadays seen in every age group of people. So, if you are young then it doesn’t give you any liberty to ignore this warning.

But, taking care of your hair doesn’t mean you turn into your own doctor and starts applying all the remedies on your poor hairs. Oh and don’t listen to your grandmother’s old remedy book as half of the home remedies can worsen the hair fall problem. Yep, guys, all the remedies for hair damage are not correct.

Dr. Vishal Chugh from Radiant Skin Clinic has shared 5 Common Hair Fall Myths & Tips that we follow to cure hair fall commonly at home.  The doctor says that all these home tips instead of curing our damaged hairs, even further destroy them. So, check out these common myths and save your hairs from falling.

#1. Oiling hairs can increase the hair fall.

Yep, if your mom nagged you about oiling your hair from preventing it from falling. Then, tell her that oiling hairs can fasten the process of hair fall. As oiling leads to accumulation of dust and oil on the scalp which blocks your hair follicles. Which weakens the hair roots and they fall easily. Oiling even triggers other skin problems such as acne.

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#2. Repetitive Hair wash is good.

There is this old myth that washing hairs multiple times in a week can harm your hair. But, this is an outrageously wrong as washing hairs 3-4 times a week keeps your scalp clean and let your hair follicles breathe. That will ultimately lead to less hair fall. So, washing your hair is good and must be done more frequently.

#3. Applying Conditioner makes your hair healthy.

Well, another myth that we heard most is that applying conditioner on hairs damages them. This is totally wrong as conditioner develops a protective layer on the hair strands and save them from outer damage. Conditioner makes our hair healthy and obliviously healthy hair falls less. But, keep this in mind that only apply conditioner on hair strands, not on the scalp.

#4. The spa isn’t your friend.

Yep, fellas no amount of expensive spa treatment can cure your hair fall. On contrary chemical used in spa damages your hair for the long term. Spa only softens hairs for some time and after that, it reduces the natural glow of your hairs.

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#5. Overnight oiling can be dangerous.

As I have already mentioned oiling blocks hair follicles, so never leave oil on your scalp more than half an hour. And, after half an hour thoroughly wash up your scalp to remove all the sticky mess of oil. Because oil completes its work in that half easily.

So, if anyone advises you these hair fall tips, then run as fast as you can to protect your precious hairs .

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