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Best Anti-Aging Treatment Prevailing Trends

“Mirror, Mirror, Tell me who is the prettiest person in the world?”

agingWell, if you ask the same question from your mirror daily and looking for the answer, “Yes”. Then you need to take some initiatives to be the prettiest person in the world. As these little signs of aging, like wrinkles, fine lines and dark circles are few hurdles between you and your ebonic beauty. That’s why to remove these little hurdles we have listed few best anti-aging treatments. These Best Treatments are a gift of few scientists who constantly work for your interest.

These anti-aging treatments are gaining lots of popularity, so Dr. Vishal Chugh thought it would be great to share some best anti-aging viral trends with you all. Let’s check out 21st-century methods to beat all the signs of aging.

Scientific Ways To Remove Signs of Aging


~ Chemical portion to repair DNA.

Recently, scientists applied a substance called NMN on a mice cells and shocking revelations comes as a result. When this chemical inserted into the cells of older mice, after a week its cells transformed into the cells of younger mice. That’s due to a precursor of the metabolite NAD+ which is found in every cell that plays a role in DNA repair, improved cells’ ability to repair DNA damage caused by exposure to radiation. This technology is under study, but experts think it as one of the best anti-aging treatment of future.

~ Peptide to Repair Cells.

In the new search, it is concluded that peptide also known as FOXO4, can help in destroying damaged cells. The damaged cells know as senescent cells, works with FOXO4 and protein p53 to prevent the cell from destroying itself. And, that senescent cells blocks skin from healing naturally. But, with the interference of peptide in cells, this circle get cuts and skin gains ability to naturally heal. This is the best anti-aging way to provide strength to your skin to heal automatically.

~ Injectable Collagen Cellifique

This is a very new technology introduced in Europe, in which injectable collagen called Cellifique is used. The new collagen shows some naturally healing traits and doesn’t leave discoloration around the eyes. This method promises of repairing sunken tear through and wrinkles around the mouth. Currently, it’s developing a best anti-aging treatment which can be seen more in 2020.

~ Tattoo Removal Laser

Nowadays, tattoo removal laser treatment such as PicoSure, PicoWay, and Enlighten is used to treat sun spots. As Sun can triggers ageing earlier and using tattoo removal laser can be very effective. As regular sun spot removal treatment required lots of sittings and can cause redness and itchiness. So, this is laser treatment is turning out one of the best anti-aging treatment.

Well, folks, these are all new technologies to treat ageing factors. But, the initial stage of treatment has shown good signs. So, it won’t be wrong to say that these are some best anti-aging treatments for future. And, once these studies prove, then you can expect them at Radiant Skin Clinic, Jaipur for sure.

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